Southeastern University's Ohio Regional Campus celebrates the students who earn academic honors each semester. To qualify for the Dean’s Honor List, students must be enrolled for 12 or more credit hours and attain or surpass a scholastic average of 3.5 for the previous term. This fall, we honor students who achieved this academic distinction during spring or summer semesters of 2022. The Dean’s Honor List students for fall semester 2022 are as follows:
Kalli Alvis, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Alec Ballentine, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Emily Barberree, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Mark Barnette, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Samantha Bartsch, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Sam Goss, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Mariah Heiss, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Joy Hester, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Taylor Hillman, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Hope Johns, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Zoe Johns, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Kathryn Mair, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Jason Martin, Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Mikenzie Nartker, Bachelor of Science in Human Services
Estelle Owings, Bachelor of Science in Business and Professional Leadership
Emma Parsell, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Caleb Ramos, Bachelor of Science in Business and Professional Leadership
Brenna Restivo, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Connor Scalzo, Bachelor of Science in Business and Professional Leadership
Jasmine Schans, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Alexander Schreck, Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Jennifer Singh, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Aaron Smith, Bachelor of Science in Business and Professional Leadership
Eleanor Smith, Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership
Kyle Smith, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Caleb Taylor, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Alyssa Touhalisky, Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership
Skylar Trimbach, Bachelor of Science in Global Education
The students above comprise 38% of the SEU Ohio undergraduate student body for the fall semester term. We congratulate them on this significant achievement and appreciate their diligence and dedication to academic excellence.
- Mary Harmison, SEU Ohio Academic Director