COVID-19 Protocols
At SEU Ohio, we are committed to creating a college experience for our students that is like none other. We believe that the on-campus experience is critical in the growth and development of our students. Our staff and faculty are working diligently to promote a healthy and safe environment for our SEU Ohio community.
SEU Ohio continues to comply with state and local recommendations for the health and safety of our campus community. With the evolving circumstances, SEU Ohio will periodically update our protocols. Additionally, please note that the following serves as a guide. Because each specific incident of COVID has unique qualities, some circumstances will warrant a specialized protocol. In each incident, the protocol will be administered by SEU Ohio’s licensed registered nurse in cooperation with public health officials.
As of March 2022, the city of Columbus has lifted the mask mandate. Therefore, wearing masks on campus is optional; students and staff are welcome to do so if desired.
SEU Ohio community members are not required to be vaccinated. We believe each individual should evaluate every medical decision with their physician and make the choice that is best for their individual circumstances.
If you would like to get the COVID vaccine, you can find a list of locations and information about the COVID vaccine at
We believe that SEU community members play a pivotal role in keeping our campus healthy and safe. Individuals who experience any symptoms of COVID-19 are expected to distance themselves from others, notify the Student Life Director or their RA. Additionally, they should be examined by a healthcare provider.
The following are the current recommendations from the Columbus Public Health Website:
Residents of Columbus or Worthington who have tested positive for COVID-19 should take the following steps:
Isolate yourself immediately. Regardless of symptoms or vaccination status, you will be excluded from school for 5 days from the onset of symptoms or from the date of the positive test in asymptomatic cases.
Stay home except to get medical care.
Let your employer know you have COVID-19.
Notify your close contacts.
After the 5-day exclusion period, any student/staff member must meet the following conditions to return to school:
Must be fever-free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours prior to return.
All other symptoms must be absent or improving.
Should wear a facial covering for 5 additional days as much as possible upon return.
Students/staff who are exposed to a positive COVID-19 case as a close contact, regardless of vaccination or masking status, may attend school daily if they do the following:
Wear a facial covering indoors, as much as possible, for 10 days after the last date of exposure, AND
Conduct daily symptom checks for 10 days following the exposure. Any student/staff member who becomes symptomatic will be subject to exclusion from school unless an alternate diagnosis is provided by a medical professional; AND
The student/staff member shall immediately isolate and contact a medical professional if experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.
Anyone exposed to a positive case should monitor their symptoms. Residential students are encouraged to get tested at a testing site if they are concerned they have COVID-19 or experience any symptoms. Residential students will be required to quarantine in their on-campus residence or at home. Other accommodations will be available.
For more information on quarantine protocols, visit
Academic accommodations will only be made for traditional and commuter students who receive approval by the Student Life Director. Graduate students will need to connect with their professors for accommodations. These notes will be emailed from the Academic Director directly to professors within 24 hours. They will not include any private medical information. Professors will then provide appropriate academic accommodations which may include Zoom access, alternative assignments or make up days. Students may get tested off campus as long as they present a positive laboratory test result to the Student Life Director.
Prior to the return of students, the campus will be disinfected and sterilized. Plans are in place to ensure the campus engages in ongoing cleaning and disinfection measures consistent with current CDC and EPA guidance. This includes increased cleaning and disinfection of high-touch surfaces like door handles.
In addition to the noted protocols, we have installed the iWave-R ionizing purification system throughout our campus facility at 8405 Pulsar Place.
The iWave-R is a revolutionary self-cleaning air purification system designed for proactive whole facility purification using cold plasma technology. The iWave-R uses the same air cleaning approach as nature. Some benefits of the iWave-R are that it kills all mold, bacteria, pathogens, and virus; controls odors; reduces particles in air; and does not produce any harmful byproducts such as ozone.